Monday, February 2, 2015

Let It Gooooo Let It Goooooooooo

Day 2:

In life, it's the little things that turn a day into a good day, a week into a good week, and a month into a fantabulous spectacular one. Girl Scout cookies can be that little spark. For me today, as silly as this sounds, I ate about five tag-alongs and had the energy and excitement to get out of bed and put on some Frozen and Beyonce and just dance. It is incredible what getting out of bed and smiling, singing and pretending you are Britney Spears can do for you. January, I made excuse on why I shouldn't get out of bed after getting home from work. "I'm tired." "I have work tomorrow". "I just went through a bad breakup"--I milked that one a little longer than I should have. I'm using this blog to get out of bed, see people I haven't seen in awhile. Call family I don't call on a daily basis and make them smile, which in turn will make me smile.

Every day is a new day. Look in the mirror and smile. Call someone and tell them you love them. Wake up 10 minutes earlier to pet your cat, or chat with your sister before your days start. The little things add up, trust me. Blast some tunes. Put on Fleetwood Mac or Fergie, whatever your style, and smile. Watch Jimmy Fallon too, that is always a sure fix to any slump. And always remember to "Let It Gooooo Let It Goooooooooo".

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