Wednesday, February 17, 2016

survivor, one world? no world.

Oy vey.  Damn it's been awhile since I spent time with you Blogger. You've helped me through some dark times, and for that, danke. To ease myself back into the blogging scene (and by blogging scene, I mean online journal cause no one ever reads it), I'm going to start off slow and go though my fabulous thoughts about a season of survivor that I'm going to start re-watching **looks at invisible watch** now. This is all to get me prepared for the hunk of meat of beast mode fucking COW-BOIII tonight. oww oww.
for those who have forgotten, my dumb, yet sensitive hunka hunka beef cake dynamo
This will be the third season I've watched this week of this god damn show, but man it is addicting. First I watched Heros vs. Villains and then watched his majesty Philip tear down the house in Redemption Island numero uno bitches. 

Okay back to the one I just started... wait forgot what it was... ONE WORLD, right survivor 24

Can you see why I forgot, this group is SOO not memorable, except for the TWO black people (go CBS, hopefully they stay longer than our friends at ABC) and who could forget the short man. I'm not upset that he's short, but that bandanna man? Burn that shit in the fire. He's going fast. 

Colton <3 bae. omg I would love to replace Craig with him, jk craig, you are amazing.
Tarzan - he's a doctor right?
ew, troyzan 

I need to stop, these people are all terrribbbblee. I'm going to stop this post before future me kicks current me in the ass. <3

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